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Highlights of INMR 2022 Berlin, Germany

Writer's picture: Florent GiraudetFlorent Giraudet

Updated: Dec 17, 2022

The 2022 session of the INMR congress in Berlin has just ended.

Very nice edition that allowed the high voltage industry to meet in the beautiful German capital. Although insulators represent a considerable part, I propose to put forward the highlights concerning the surge protection industry.

Great show from Mr. Ertugrul Partal. First EGLA implementation in Turkey for 170kV systems.

Effective pilot project to demonstrate the efficiency of Externally Gapped Line Arresters (EGLA) application. Optimal placement to reach more than 85% lightning performance improvement. The system operator was facing important number of outages due to high Ground Flash Density (GFD) and terrible soil resistivity. The implementation and the current performance are a success.

Sharing experience with EGLA Pilot Project on 765kV line of AEP, USA - Siemens Energy

Impressive presentation to cover the development, testing and installation of several 765kV EGLA in Ohio, USA. First-of-its-kind application which confirm the advantages of EGLA for light & compact designs (120kg per SVU), installation effectiveness (30min on average per EGLA unit) and aesthetic integration on transmission towers. Congratulations to the Siemens team.

Sharing NGLA Best Practices up to 500kV Application

Philipp Raschke from Tridelta Meidensha gave us an insight of the mechanical aspects that need to be considered for a reliable long-term performance of Non-Gapped Line Arresters (NGLA). Some specific installations in Peru were also covered up to 500kV system in high altitude (~4500m). PT60099-11 IEC working group will integrate new mechanical considerations to address the concerns of typical failures.

Impressive Booth from Siemens Energy with a special Focus on Overhead Lines applications

Siemens Energy is well-known for having a complete portfolio for medium & high voltage but also on special applications like GIS switchgears or up to 1200kV system. They took advantage of the event to showcase their portfolio dedicated to overhead lines. They smartly combined their composite insulators with Line Surge Arresters (LSA) to offer innovations solutions to the system operators. Their technical presentations were focusing on using LSA to reduce insulations levels and clearances in order to design modern compact lines.

Proactive Surge Arresters manufacturer with complete portfolio Made in Europe - Protektel, Poland

Interesting player in the surge arrester industry. Protektel manufactures a complete portfolio of distribution class, station class (up to SM) and surge counters. Their designs are made of directly molded LSR silicone rubber onto high quality Metal-Oxide Varistors from reputable brands. Although they are becoming a major player in Poland, Protektel has already started its expansion on export markets. A company to follow in the coming years...

Japanese technology was at the forefront.

Nippon Katan is a Japanese manufacturer of power line hardware and composite insulators. They presented their integrated solutions with Toshiba EGLAs but also their unique experience with the Current Limiting Gaps (CLG).

CLG has a different technology than the metal-oxide varistors used in Surge Arresters. CLG are made of quenching arc chambers. Their application is similar to EGLA since they extinguish the follow current in half a cycle. Nevertheless, their usage covers mainly distribution lines due to some limitations of transmission system.

We also have to take care of our promotion ;-)

METARRESTERS made a complete presentation about Line Surge Arresters, the CIGRE Technical Brochure 855, the upcoming 60099-11 LSA Standard and an exclusive view of EGLA application covering the history in Japan and its enormous potential for innovative compact lines.

See you next year in Bangkok !

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